


If you are celebrating 90 days or more and would like a chip mailed to you, send an e-mail


SUBJECT: # days, months, years you're celebrating

INCLUDE: Name, mailing address, sobriety date and your chip will be on its way!



Also, the last Sunday of each month is our Annual Sobriety Celebration meeting. Join us if you've celebrated an annual birthday this month and would like to share. We would love to celebrate this milestone with you! Celebrants share first!

- The last Sunday of each month will be changed to Annual Sobriety Celebration in the calendar and will be chaired by a member of the committee.


Safety Committee Mission Statement: 

In an attempt to maintain group unity during the meeting and keep recovery our primary purpose, the Safety committee is designed to help WWRAN members virtually open a line of communication to address minor concerns and/or disruptive behaviors. After first discussing any concerning issues from the meeting with your sponsor, please contact us at

From A.A. literature titled Safety and A.A.: Our Common Welfare. What can groups and members do?:   "A.A. members who are concerned about the words or actions of a sponsor or other member, may find it helpful to speak to someone they trust, their A.A. group, or a professional, as needed" .… "In all discussions about safety, keep the focus on our primary purpose, our common welfare, and place principles before personalities.